(916) 870-1854

Pass Your Exams

Our online and all other study material and practice exams are the best and most up-to-date available. When the Contractor’s State License Board of California offered the first test for the new B2 classification we were ready and helped students pass the first time on

Expedite Your License

There are often times when you need a license RIGHT NOW and your application needs to be expedited for faster testing and/or issuance. We have helped over 10,000 new contractors through the bureaucratic red-tape that slows your job down at almost every level. Let us

Government & Public Relations

Our founder and Chief Consultant, Ron Givens, has been actively working with state issuing agencies, permit offices, members of state legislatures, and every level of frustrating government slow-downs for our clients for decades. Ron has been recognized and presented with awards and certificates by the

Welcome to Study And Pass! You have a job to do and we have over 30 years of experience making sure our clients and students can meet the requirements of the license application approval process and then pass the state exams for both law and trade or a “trade only” addition to a current license. If your license application needs to be rushed, ask about our expedited processing services both the Secretary of State and the Contractor’s Boards in California, Nevada, Arizona, and others. You are an expert at your trade. We are experts at getting you through the licensing process.

We are a disabled veteran-owned business: Semper Fi!